Information and Communication Technology – Capacity Building Programme

Information and Communication Technology – Capacity Building Programme

The project aimed to improve the international competitiveness of 50 Egyptian ICT companies by improving the export capability, increasing the penetration of new markets and the market share in existing export markets.
The main activities of the Preparation Phase are: carry out an audit and benchmark of the selected companies and produce a SWOT and GAP analysis, draft a Capability Development Plan for each company in the areas of project management, production, general management and marketing, identify possible areas of cooperation among the participating companies.
The main activities of the Implementation Phase are: service delivery to participating companies, implementation of specific actions aimed to small groups of companies and delivering of training on specific topics, provision of guidance and mentoring to ensure long term benefits in the companies.
Megacom consorted with an Eurecna S.p.A and IoTech in managing and delivering this project.
During the programme, the following companies have received the listed technical assistance:

  • 18 companies were assisted in developing their Strategic Business Plans.
  • 8 companies developed their Management Systems. This development covered company management plan, business model and company organization.
  • 3 companies developed their Balanced Scorecards
  • 7 companies were assisted by developing their Project Management Methodology.
  • 16 companies were assisted by developing their marketing strategies and marketing and sales plans.
  • 14 companies participated in the “Market Intelligence & Pricing” module that covered market analysis, development of the marketing mix, competition analysis and pricing strategies.
  • 12 companies participated in the “Relationship Marketing, CRM & Strategic Partnerships”. This module covered Customer relation plan, developing Direct and indirect sales channels.
  • 12 companies were assisted by having Organization Restructuring and line management job descriptions.
  • Performance Appraisal systems were developed for 14 companies and were complemented with salary and incentives schemes.
  • HR departments were established for 10 companies.
  • 7 companies were assisted by developing their recruitment process. The process included interview templates and selection process.