In-spite of the efforts exerted by the government in order to promote computerization in all its activities, in most governmental entities, financial and administrative activities are manual and paper-based. The Budget, Procurement, Inventory and Accounting departments are all working manual. This is consuming time and effort from all the workers. In addition to that, the employees spend double the effort due human errors in calculations and/or in filling different documents.
Service Description
Megacom’s Egyptian Governmental Resources Planning (EGRP) System is in Arabic Language and is based on Microsoft renowned Dynamics AX. The system apply the processes for governmental budget and accounting according to the current regulations enacted by the Ministry of Finance. It also cover procurement processes according to stipulations of Egyptian law for public tendering, as well as warehousing processes complying with the rules and regulations of the “General Authority for Governmental Services”.
The System entail four modules: Budget, Procurement, Inventory, Accounting. Another module is under final testing currently and will be 100% complying with the Egyptian enacted laws, which is for Human Resources and Payroll. This module will be fully compatible with the EGRP system and will automatically enable the system to create and process Form 132. The EGRP system depend on the official documents and books such as 50 GA, 132 GA, 33 GA and book 224 and others. As well, it adopt the governmental economic division for its accounts tree. The system provide full integration between the five modules utilizing both the standard functionality of Microsoft Dynamics AX as well as special developments made by Megacom in order to get the system to fully comply with Egyptian regulations and financial controls.