Research Study on Streamlining the Egyptian Laws, Regulations and Procedures for Property registration

Research Study on Streamlining the Egyptian Laws, Regulations and Procedures for Property registration

This study was initiated by “Small and Medium Enterprises Policy Development Project (SMEPoL)”. SMEPoL is a partnership between CIDA, IDRC and Ministry of Finance.
The study is an extension to the study titled “Research Study on Streamlining the Egyptian Laws, Regulations and Procedures Governing SMEs Establishment, Growth, Export and Exit”.
The objective of this study was to streamline Egyptian laws, regulations and procedures governing property registration. In this context, the term “Property” refers to both lands and real estates.
To develop the international comparative study, five countries were selected to be scanned. These countries are:

  • Canada (as one of the world leaders in streamlining laws and procedures)
  • United Kingdom (UK) (as a member of the EU and a world leader in reforming and streamlining laws and regulations)
  • Jordan (as a developing country sharing similar economic and geographical characteristics as Egypt)
  • Turkey (as a developing country with similar size, economic and culture characteristics as Egypt)
  • France (as a member of the EU and as a country sharing the law basis as Egypt)

A copy of the study could be obtained from the website of the “Small and Medium Enterprises Development Unit” under the URL