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they were my favs and can't believe they haven't been brought back yet is there a fb page for them yet??? Please - make them again Ana Isco. Rollover, play dead, and beg they said. Kids can't grow up without tasting these! Millions of other chocolate coated cookies survive shipping and storage - and I guess that most of us would still want them even if the chocolate was melted! Dropping them made no sense! See answer (1) Best Answer Copy Nabisco says that when enough people request the cookies, they will bring them back. OMIGOSH!!!! The rest, as they say, is history. Mondelez International, Nabisco's Chicago-based parent company, makes some of its snacks in Mexico, but it said in a news release that production from Fair Lawn and Atlanta, where it is closing. From my earliest childhood I remember that distinctive packaging that housed the best cookies ever made. How I wish we could still buy them. I hadn't thought about them in years until about a month ago I purchased a bag of the miniature reeses peanut butter cups that now come in milk and dark chocolate. They were wonderful. I copied the link above someone posted and left the same story to nabiso, if everone does this, we might have a chance!! Then he started pre-bagging them for lunch. As a holiday ritual, my brother Steve and I used to sneak away early from family dinners and drive to the local WaWa grocery store to buy Ideal cookies. Nabisco is sure missing out here.they could make millions. I will call Nabisco in the morning. These were my favorite cookies as a child and I also kept them in the fridge!! To be blunt, they lie to the Trademark Office.. Glad to know others remember them and they were not a figment of my imagination. They sent some coupons to me in the mail and stated they would report my request. They said they quit making these because they'd melt in transit, but they make chocolate covered cookies everyday. Oh so very good. I also love these cookies. I loved these cookies! Please Nabisco, make a good business decision and bring these back. They were his favorite and he used to dole them out like they were going extinctoh, they did!!!!!! I thought it was a heat issuenope. I'm on a mission now!!! "Ideal Bars" were the BEST!!! Shopping with 5 children apparently wasn't easy, so she would bribe us with Ideal bars. For months, some Canadians have been searching in vain for their beloved Dad's chocolate chip cookies. These are the best cookies bar noneI still haven't figured out why they stopped making these cookiesI live close to the nabisco plant (before they tore it down) and ask one person there why they quit making them and she could not answer me. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bring-Back-The-Nabisco-Ideal-Cookie-Bars/256146701090663. Little Debbie has Peanut Butter Crunch Bars that are very very close to the Ideal Bars. I too am a lover of the Ideal Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars. yes bring back the ideal cookie bar! I used to ask for them in my Easter basket and in my Christmas stocking! Oreos were made with lard. If you want a good substitute, though remember that it's merely a substitute, try the Trader Joe's Chocolate-covered Peanut Butter Pretzels. Hi, it;s me again. This news is very sad. Ideal. There has never, ever been a cookie that has come close to that incredible treat. My mom and I were just talking about good cookies that are no longer available. Who wants to go to the store for cookies and basically have only one choice???? Anyway, these little growths were easy to bite off, and would lend a fairly pure chocolate experience, one that only hinted of the peanut butter explosion that loomed on the not-so-distant horizon. I moved to Texas in the early 70's and couldn't find them anywhere. NOTHING COMPARES, not even close.Ideal Bars were easily the greatest cookie ever mass produced,SORRY OREO, but its true. They're the treats you probably always wanted your mom to buy -- old-school cookies, including both classics and long-forgotten brands. - Bring them back, you knuckle-heads! Gonna have to visit the Kraft foods site and ask for them back. How can we all start a united front to get the cookies back on store shelves? I'll sign a petition too! They were absolutely the best! I want one so much! They were by far the best store bought cookie EVER made. They were FAR BETTER than ANY peanut cookie and/or candy bar available today, INCLUDING the Nutter Butter cookies you make today. Those cookies were both of our favorites. The makers of Oreo took the design of a cookie called "Hydrox," and despite it's less-than-appeasing name, it was truly the first chocolate sandwich cookie with creme in the middle. They were the best cookie ever. I have tried to find something similar, but no way can anything else compare. Little Debbie makes something similar, but we need the real ideal back!! Hands down the best cookie ever. Not to many, and just enough (until the next trip to the store! There was just one problem. I will go on the newsdo commercials for you.whatever it takes! 2. There were the BEST! If products don't seem to be popular with our consumers, and demand starts to drop, a decision is made to discontinue the item. Lets try this. We need to take action for Nabisco to put these cookies back on the shelves, there wouldn't be many in the stores where I live because "I'D BUY ALL OF THEM". Now I found Little Debbies has a larger bar named Crunch that taste like the Ideal cookies. I LOVE dark choclet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I was growing up my mother would buy IDEAL BARS and hide them too.I have 7 brothers and sisters and when we found them they didn't last too long.My mom would be so mad she would spank our butts.The next time she bought them we would do the same thing.They were worth every whack!Please bring them back,my mom is too old to catch us now! But I have to askdid anyone else first peel the chocolate off with their teeth before launching into the cookie? ), but they would not last on the shelves. LET US ALL PROMISE TO CALL NABISCO AND PLEAD FOR THEM TO BRING BACK THIS COOKIE. At this time there are no plans to bring back our discontinued products, but we are always cooking up something new to help you live and eat better so you may discover a new favorite! We hid them in the frige and I can still taste the creamy, fresh peanut butter. My sister and I have been wishing the same thing all of you are, Nabisco bring them back, "Little Debbie", put them in all the stores where your snacks are soldLiz. Little Debbies just don't work for me. They used to be on the shelf next to the pinwheels, Why Nabisco still makes pinwheels and not ideal bars us beyond me. LOL I swear I wish they would bring those cookies back. Every once in a while my brother & I will talk about them. I agree with everybody on this page. When I was in my 20s and did not have to worry about weight or health, I would consume and ENTIRE box all by myself during an evening with glasses of milk. I really love these cookies also! My friend (RIP) and i would walk to the corner store (even in th snow) and buy them..great memories of growing up..i miss those cookies !! I cannot believe this many people loved Ideal cookies as much as me and my sister and Nabisco will not bring them back!!! They were not made in the summer because they would melt. Im 49 and that was the best cookie ever made lets all call Nabisco i would buy the recipe if they'd sell it to me damn i loved them cookies. They were almost like a candy bar. I love the peanut butter filled pretzels at Trader Joe's, so I may just have to try it. Now - as to starting a "petition" - any suggestions and who would like to sign?! Ideal Sandwich Cookies were among the "Best of Nabisco"! ASAP! Yes, that has been over 30 yrs ago. Ideal cookie bars were the BEST. Once Nabisco had removed the lard, mainly for health reasons, going kosher became possible. "You have to have the right. It's a crime! Bake at 375 degrees F for 10 minutes or until edges are brown. Perhaps Nabisco has a deal with Reeses that they will not compeet! When Keebler took ownership of the Sunshine Foods brands in the late 90s, most people thought Hydrox was the Johnny-come-lately, when it was really Oreo that had entered the market second. My Mom and I ate so many packages of these we should be ashamed! Corporations have the rights of an individual but not the soul of one. My dad used to ration them to me and my 3 siblings, otherwise we would eat them all in an hour! Pleeeeeeaaaaasssse, bring these cookies back. If you all really want to do something about it, go to the Nabisco website. Well do you know I went right back up to that shelf and proceded to eat the rest of them. google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; I thought I was the only person who could remember these cookies! thanks to all for the great memories & hope! Unfortunately in todays society, the squeezy wheel gets the oil. YUMmmm!! With all of the 'retro' trends these days in fashion and automobiles (love the new Camaro!) An Ideal Bar was better than a Snickers or any candy bar, and it was a cookie!!! We kept them in the refrigerator and they typically lasted less than a day. Wow, I can't believe I'm not the only one craving these cookies, I remember waking up in the middle of the night as a child and going to the fridge for one of these cookies, I would always tip the box forward as to look like there wern't many gone.my mom always new who to blame when only one was leftI REALLY MISS THESE COOKIES!! Along with that - bring back pudding pops! Hope they see it. Please bring them back. I would eat the top off and then eat the peanut butter inside and then the bottom. There never will be another cookie like it. What happened to capitalism? Visit a sweet shop selling one of the first candies ever made and sold in America. I look for IDEAL cookies every time I am at the grocery store hoping to see that Nabisco has reintroduced them. Not sure if he'd appreciate me telling the world, but he used to bite each end off and then dip the cookie in milk, suck milk through the cookie and then eat the cookie when it became soft. We would just laugh and have THE BEST time. The chocolate had hardened by the time I ate mine. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. Please bring Ideal cookies back. Cannot understand why Nabisco will not bring them back. Older Women Hairstyles. I wish they would bring them back too! He was amazed that I knew what he was asking. If you don't believe me, read this: http://www.inthe70s.com/food/idealcookies0.shtml When are you going to wise up and bring back the best cookie you ever made? Please, Nabisco, bring these back. There are few things I wouldn't do for those cookies. I would love to have a nice cold glass of milk and a few Ideals right now. Oreo, which the company described as, two beautifully embossed chocolate-flavored wafers with a rich cream filling survived. We need to all call Nabisco! PLEASE MAKE THEM AGAIN. After 30 years of no Ideal ccokies they musthave been to good for us m ere mortals. TD PGH. Nabisco would make a boatload of money putting these back out there on the market. Signed, Hooked for life. ISO: Nabisco Ideal cookie bar clone recipe : PJ Virginia - 3-27-2006 : 1: Recipe: Ideal cookie bar information : Halyna - NY - 3-27-2006 : 2: The taste is still on the tip of my tongue. 1971 Nabisco becomes the corporate name. !So I can show my grandkids what a great cookie really is! As the others have said I can't believe that we all have been craving Ideal Peanut Butter Logs. I would absolutely love to introduce these cookies to my adult children and grands. I seem to remember the stores being out of them during the hot months, then one day they would appear on the shelf and for the next few months I couldnt get enough of them. I guess they don't need the money. I was hoping someone who bakes would create the recipe and share it. Bring them back, who cares what the price is. 1970's- When mom said us kids could pick one item during the family once a week trip to the grocery storewe always wanted IDEAL cookies. I did, now if all of you do, maybe they will. Nabisco has seen this website; it just doesn't care. Sent another email to cis@nabisco,com -- maybe, just maybe it might work this time. The Hydroxs ornamental pattern is at once cruder and more delicate than the Oreos; the ridges around the edge are longer and deeper, but the center comprises stamped-out flowers, a design more intricate than the Oreo pattern, he stated. There was only one store in our little town that carried them. Once I tried to carefully dig out the peanut butter then eat the cookie. I have the happiest memories of eating alot of these cookies!!!! Some of these gingerbread cookies take months to make. They were fabulous and I would give anything to have one today. I HAVE TO HAVE ONE .OUR KIDS NEVER EVEN TASTED ONE IF WE ALL WRITE TO NABISCO ABOUT THEM ,MAYBE THEY WILL CONSIDER MAKING THEM AGAIN .I DONT CARE IF THEY ARE 10 BUCKS A BAG LOL WELL,I DO BUT I WOULD PAY IT FOR IDEAL COOKIE BARS. I used to scour grocery store shelves for packages and buy them out. He had to do all the hard work of reformulating the snack, but once he had figured that out, it was off to the races. Make them again! I LOVED these cookies. I'd bite a little hole into each end, then suck milk up into it like it was a straw. I miss Lemon Coolers and My Dad Harold Hourihan more! LET'S GET MOVING ON THIS! It seemed to make the enjoyment last longer. They patiently look them up and laugh. My brother and I would fight over them on who got the last one!! Taste most like the original Ideal than anything I've tried. Please, Please bring them back. Nabisco cannot continue implying that there is not enough demand for the Ideal cookie. won't give an experimental 6-month return of the IDEAL BARS. I could sit and eat a whole box when I was a kid. I loved those cookies. I'll definately sign it! Ha!.NO REALLY. Feel free to have friends and family make additional requests. I still crave them and will support any effort to making them available again. I am happy to have finally found the name of my absolutely favorite cookie of my life!! I grew up on them as treats and have been looking for them for YEARS!!!!!!! Please bring this cookie backit's been gone way too long!! One of them worked in the bakery division. Probably a good idea they stopped making those. Oreo was one of three cookies introduced by Nabisco on April 2, 1912, with the other twothe Mother Goose biscuit and the Veronese biscuitnow lost to history. i thought my husband and i were the only ones that missed these cookins, boy was i wrong. I agree, Ideal Bars were the BEST! My wife and I were just talking about the magical flavor that these cookies had. I am glad to see I am not the only Ideal obsessed kook out there. When my parents bought the ideal bars, it was a big deal. Go figure! How's that for wishful thinking? The most popular cookie ever growing up as a kid. Nabisco, if you do bring them back, KEEP THE RECIPE EXACTLY THE SAME!!! I made my own sandwich and helped my self to an entire package of Ideals. MUST. Please bring them back, Nabisco! So many people would buy them just for the memories. Fabulous product. I have been searching for these damn cookies for decades hoping upon hope I could find them again. We stopped at a store in Winston, Oregon and we found "Little Debbie's" version of the Ideal bar. Growing up in the 60s/70s there were often two packages in the house: One for my two sisters & me, and one for Dad! I'D SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember hiding them to keep them for myself. I can still taste them. An eye-opening journey through the history, culture, and places of the culinary world. Miss them so much. To date the closest I've seen to this most stupendous but unavailable product is the peanut butter Twix. I loved eating those cookies - Let's bring them back Nabisco! I would buy them by the case. Every year for Christmas my parents would buy me a lot of them for my stocking. If they ever do, there is going to be mass hysteria and total chaos around the world!! Nothing compares. My mom would hide ours, too. The problem, you mightve guessed, is its name. I often times tell my family about this cookie. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. It was discontinued after seven years, but we would love to have just one more of these tasty treats. I do remember them mostly being sold in the cooler months as the chocolate would melt very easily and most houses did not have air conditioning in those days. Oh my God I too loved them my sisters & I would put them in the fridge as well & I would love to have them back. The company was improving the cookies, making them more attractive to the modern health-conscious consumer. One time my sister's boyfriend was over and things were a bit tense. I would love to have them back. Nadeau was probably pleased, when in 2015, Hydrox made a comeback. !I've never had a cookie I've enjoyed as much. There is nothing that compares to the Ideal cookie which is why it had the perfect name. Lets all write or e-mail Nabisco. the time is ripe for bringing back some treasured tastes of the old days! Addicted to Ideal cookies in the 70's . The truth was a bit more complicated, however. please bring back the ideal cookie--PLEASE-- the closest i have tasted is the tagalong cookie from girlscouts. DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYONE FROM NABISCO THAT COULD STRT THESE BACK UP? 1901 The name Nabisco is first used as part of a name for a sugar wafer. I had forgotten about these!! Whenever I find myself in the cookie aisle of the supermarket - I look for them - still to this day - hoping they have come back. I just got finished telling my kids about the best cookie I ever had-the Ideal bar- and wondered what happened to them. If I were the head of NABISCO, or your parent company, KRAFT, this would ALREADY HAVE BEEN DONE years ago!!!!!! I still see these on the shelf but not the Ideal Bar. The cookie part is chocolate and is a little too grainy, compared to Ideal. I try every new peanut butter cookie I see, but none quite compare to Ideals. A mouse got into the cupboard and ate one bite from each cookie -- I would happily still have eaten them all, but the counselors made me throw them out --I still get sad thinking about it!! I would really like my daughter Keira, who is a chocolate fanatic, to enjoy the delectable Ideal bar. You can find alot of copycat recipes for these cookies if you google "ideal nabisco cookie bars". !I wish Nabisco would bring them back!!!! It's a shame they don't listen to the loyal consumers (as this blog demonstrates)and make that investment into bringing back such a popular item. Check out McKee Bakery to find Peanut Butter Crunch Bars. (Making matters worse: 1998 was the first year that Oreo itself went kosher for the first time.). I've thought about them for years and could not understand why they are no longer available, OMG!!!!!!!!!! The critical part was having enough peanut butter vs. the cookie and coconut part. Wow, I was checking the internet to try to find the recipe for my mom since she said they do not make them anymore. Come on Nabisco make my day!!!! Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in making our lives better. I wish they would bring them back. She used to hide them so us kids wouldn't eat them all. Followed by Penguin cookies! 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