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The next morning, where was Dagon..again? <> And the desire to change for years will suddenly become so easy through His grace. What is impossible with man is possible with God (Luke 18:27). Remember, God doesnt want to see what is underneath. Learning Lessons from Jairus. As little girls we are taught to be nice and polite. THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN JESUS IS BROUGHT BACK TO THE CENTER OF THE CHURCH! Moreover, the sons of Obededom The same at whose house the ark was, before it was brought by David to Zion; his sons were porters also, as himself, ( 1 Chronicles 15:24) ( 16:38) , mention is made of eight sons of his, according to their birth: Shemaiah, Jehozabad, Joah, Sacar, Nethaneel, Ammiel, Issachar, Peulthai; for God blessed him; And the LORD blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that he had. 1 Chronicles 13:14 NKJV, The ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite three months. It stayed there for three months, and God blessed him and his household. 6:11). If you go to church and all you hear is someone telling you the right thoughts, words, and behaviors to perform, but Jesus is hardly even mentioned, except in a harsh judgmental way,HE ISNT CENTRAL: THE LAW IS. Sadly, they were struck down for their mistake. 21). But Gods people should have known betterthey should have known to honor the Lord by carrying the ark on their shoulders instead of moving it on the oxen cart. I used the word hypsoo and the words logos and rhema as the case studies. able (chayil) men. 1 Chronicles 26:7 NKJV. He acknowledged God's presence and he was blessed. <>>> This is so powerful I exploded in tears after reading it and I also had that question why was Obed blessed and abinadab wasnt. You see, He allowed himself be arrested. If He hadnt, they would not have been able to lay a hand on Him. 5:20). When we try to be acceptable or pleasing to God by our own good works or try to merit or earn His blessings, we stumble too. lessons within the text as we consider: The Obedience of Obed-edom. (For God had blessed Obed-Edom. ) 13:3). Well, you see, it hadn't been there for quite a long time. Dag, in Hebrew, actually means, Fish. Their second mistake was to take the Ark into their gods temple ins Ashdod. You will also develop a closer relationship with God because you know there is nothing separating you from Him. Thank You! This is a picture of the devil being totally deprived of his knowledge (head) and strength (hands) having been completely crushed by Jesus at the cross. You see, all names in the Bible have a meaning, and ourGod LOVES to hide wisdom and truths in names, places, even numbers, for those who are hungry enough to search them out. Secondly, based on the records from 1 Chronicles 15 onwards, we can be sure that the Obed Edom referred to in these passages was a Levite who, by his lineage, was completely qualified to serve in the roles given to him. WHO WAS OBED-EDOM 1 Chronicles 13:13-14 (NKJV) 13 So David would not move the ark with him into the City of David, but took it aside into the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. 1043. When David learns that Obed-Edom is being blessed with the "dangerous" ark at his house, David realizes that the ark itself is not the problem. 4,5. Upon hearing the news, he fell backwards and, being very heavy (obese), when he toppled off the stool on which he was sitting he broke his neck. I am studying Davids tent and worship but also your News Flash was a confirmation for me on where the Lord has been leading me in regard to all the talk on hypergrace and greasy grace. This is because the innocent blood on the mercy seat covered their sins. While it was found within its place, behind the veil in the Tabernacle, Gods presence dwelt there and the sacrifices were offered on the Day of Atonement. He also prepared a place for the Ark. Lets look at the meaning of Obed-Edoms name: Obed-Edom was a man who understood the importance of the blood on the mercy seat. From bad attitude to aNEW ATTITUDE,he is recharged! . This is a simple testimony of rest and acceleration! And the LORD blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that he had." (1 Chronicles 13:14). Praise and worship are involved. He wants that blessing in the City of David! Remember Obed Edom? If someone was sick or had any need at all, they broke bread. Instead of seeking the Lord and humbling himself to ask God where he missed the mark, David had a servile (slavish) fear of God. So again thank you for this platform. The lower part was made of incorruptible Shittim wood, overlaid inside and out with the purest gold. One of the meanings of the name Obed-Edom is worshipper. An example of how we trust in our own strength is by trying to keep the law to earn Gods blessings, to achieve our breakthroughs, or to overcome sinful habits. In Roman Catholic, Anglican . There had to be OBVIOUS..OUTWARD signs that were reported to King David. His gracw is BEYOND AMAZING! You can see restoration simply by putting Jesus at the center of your family life and relationships and by being conscious of His blood that has removed your sinsmaking you righteous and deserving of all Gods blessings. The effect of Gods grace is amazing because well see results we never thought possible. And the Lord brought good to Obed-edom and all of his family. endobj Many of the same kinds of things that transpired 3 months priorlike lots of praise and worshipwere again present. 31:10). Thus, Obed . Its because of His blood that we are brought near to God (Heb. What Jesus simply said was His Name: I AM, literally, YHVH () and they all fell to the ground before the Holy One of God. 132:6), while King Saul who was in authority at that time had no interest in the ark at all. The impetus for this word study comes from a sermon I heard some years back. If He hadnt, they would not have been able to carry it anywhere. It wasnt until many years later, when David was King of Israel, however, that he was able to accomplish his life-long dream. Obed Edom is a picture of believers who have a bigger picture and a greater understanding of His blood and what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. There is no sense of closeness to God. You're already in our mailing list. Philistin de Gath chez qui David fit transporter l'arche aprs la mort tragique d'Uzza ; elle y resta trois mois, et la prosprit d'Obed-dom avec toute sa famille fut attribue sa prsence ( 2Sa 6:10, 12, 1Ch 13:13 et suivant 2Sa 15:25 ). They are, so to speak, lost in the woods of their own doctrines. David as a young boy, probably about 17 years old, had heardthat the Ark of the Lord was in Kirjath Jearim at the house of Abinadab. Now that doesnt seem fair, does it? Fear () = Worship = Wisdom: Spiritual Warfare Part 7. Ever ask God questions like that? Lets pause for a moment to know more about the Ark and understand how it was designated to be carried. . THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE ARK IS BROUGHT BACK TO JERUSALEM! Who was Obed-Edom? Once again the answers are hiding in the meanings of names in Hebrew. The way God wants us to experience this special theme for the year is by living one day at a time, being present, and living in the now for now is the time of Gods favor (2 Cor. Absolutely NOTHING! TWELVE MILES! Pastor Prince shares a testimony from a lady, who after hearing about the theme of the year being Rest and Acceleration, trusted God for her newly-renovated apartment to be rented out to a good tenant. ; I Chron. Our Father doesnt want that for us. Obed-Edom was not sin-conscious, but Jesus-conscious. The Lesson of Uzza "And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets." 1 Chron. 2 0 obj He said to them, You are the heads of the fathers houses of the Levites;sanctify yourselves, you and your brethren, that you may bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel to the place I have prepared for it. endobj . Easy. All the people were with him, and there was lots of praise and worship. . The Honor of the Ark of God. Numbers 4:15 says, And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. Your email address will not be published. B.C. The Philistines, on the other hand, were overjoyed to have gotten their hands on the Ark..well, at first anyway. Oh yeah. AND THE LORD BLESSED OBED EDOM AND ALL HIS HOUSEHOLD., Obed Edom was a Gittite. Whats the difference between Abinadab and Obed Edom? What difference are you making this year? The entire story from the time the Philistines captured the ark and the time it was finally returned by King David to Jerusalem was a total of approx. Have a blessed day! His HEAD: intelligence, and HANDS: power, were cut off. Thanks for the good work on good news. What does it all mean? It is overlaid with gold, which represents His deity. It had been inAbinadabs house for some20 years,and before that, it had been in the hands of their enemies, the Philistines. I say Captured in quotation marks because it cannot just be Captured. No one takes God by surprise or captures Him. And in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may that blessing be so manifested that people would talk about it, that you're someone to be envied, that they will desire the God that you servethat wonderful Savior, Jesus Christthat they will hunger after Him. While David was a man after Gods own heart, with sincere motives, he failed to seek the Lord or follow His direction. But when you dont do things Gods way,HE DOESNT HELP YOU. In Jesus name, Amen.. May your family life be such a testimony that leads others back to the Lord and His grace. . God showed his love for us, for he sent his only Son into the world that through him we might have life. Why did you say 70 years? And the Lord blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that he had. PICK ONE. He totally allowed the power of God to change him to the point that his priority was on the worship of God and nothing else iii. David was both angry at God yet terrified at the the same time. . The Ark was in Abinadabs house for 20 years and Obed Edom before that for 3 Months. . When the ark brought great destruction to many Philistine cities when it was passed around, the Philistines decided to send it back to Israel. But maybe Uzzah got too familiar with the Ark. He is not so common to many. He didnt joke with his family and relatives. Obed-edom fue un levita que vivi en los das de David. But we do know that God obviously blessed him. Obed-Edom / o b d i d m / is a biblical name which in Hebrew means "servant of Edom," and which appears in the books of 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Chronicles.The relationship between these passages has been the subject of scholarly discussions which express uncertainty and disagreements about the relationships between various passages that use the name. 6 And when they came to Nachons threshing floor,Uzzahput outhis handto the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. Wow! At all the times you can, Perez Uzza (breach of mans strength) Perez Uzza refers to the point where something was broken because something destructive (mans strength) came in and brought death. Obed Edom & The Ark : Rev Emmanuel Angelo 73 views Premiered Nov 7, 2020 From the epic story of Obed Edom and the Ark, we learn a valuable lesson about surrendering all that you have to. David had a desire to bring the ark from a place where it was neglected and dishonored to the centrality of the heart of IsraelMount Zion, the place of grace. God cursed the Philistines and they were struck with disease and ultimately, before they got the Ark back into the hands of Israel, 50,070 men died as recorded in I Samuel 6:19. 5:6). From ME to You There are so many things we can lean from the choices we made in life. His name is interpreted thus: "Obed" = "the servant who honors God in the right way"; "Edom" (lit. 1 Chron. God blessed Obed-Edom just like how He would treat Jesus, His beloved Son. But the Lord began to prosper and enlarge him and his territories and bless him with every blessing. As long as ever you can. 5:4). 5:22). 6:1112). God is not the God of the future or past, but He is our very present help in time of need (Ps. 4 0 obj The blessings that we seek this year may come in different packages, but the most important lesson of all is that, these blessings will come only when we are deep in the presence of God. Hmmm..what gives? Aleph is also be the word for Thousand. But it can also mean, Leader. It could mean that God struck 70 men and 50 oxen, but that wouldnt make any sense, would it? Subscription, Praise David also wore a linen ephod. While God is holy, His holiness calls for us to realize we cannot meet His standard of holiness, but we can depend on His grace to deliver us, save us, and supply everything we need! 6:2). Apparently David was either unaware of Gods command or felt as if he could get by moving it as he pleased. About a year ago as I was pulling into the parking lot of a church that I was filling in at, I blurted out the name Obed Edom without any control. God only wants the best for all people. now my doubt about uzzah and obed edom is cleared. Wow, got to say this one is really deep. The word for Ox, is Aleph. Aleph () is also the number 1, in Hebrew. Every 6 paces is a picture of having communion every 7th day; in other words every week, corporately,plus people making use of communion in their daily lives. It explained and confirmed a lot of things in my Spirit. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.. 132:14), and spoke of His love for that place (Ps. Isn't that amazing! I figured if people, whatever reason, were not open to hearing him, maybe they would hear the truth from someone else. They were rejoicing, happy and praising God. No wonder there wasexuberant praise and worship!!! {Kirjath Jearim}. 16:5, 38; 15:18, 21, 24. They also sounded the Shofar every step along the way. emmausroadministries, The Gospels Part 7: John emmausroadministries, The Mercy Seat: Tabernacle Series Part 6 emmausroadministries, The Man Or The Map? They were singing songs of praise and worship. We can see this in the life of Abraham: And he believed (aman) in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. Genesis 15:6 KJV. Its the exact reason I started writing because I wanted to bless the Church with the real Jesus and seeing Him through all the scriptures concerning Himself. At the very least, this shows that we need to be careful with OT names. God spoke to me about this and as I researched and saw this I knew the answer.