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Executing this command will print information about balances to the game.log file (not the console). If not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. The tag of the country you wish to have the first specified country integrated into. add_idea_group [idea group key] [country tag]. The Europa Universalis IV console can be opened by pressing one of the following keyboard hotkeys: `, ~, SHIFT + 2. Specify a negative number to remove doom. harmonization [progress] [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. admiral [fire] [shock] [maneuver] [siege] [country tag]. If you do not specify a country tag, government reforms for the country you are playing as will be cleared. This debug command will refresh to performance counter for knowledge. This command reloads the GUI (HUD elements) of the game. This command will reset the debug timer (after it has been started with the 'timer_start' command). If not specified, this will default to the country you are currently playing as. This command kills a random leader (from any country in the game). The amount of spy network points to add. This command sets the specified consort flag for the specified country tag. This command reloads all strait vertex buffers. A country tag. The amount of base unrest you wish to add. The country tag of the country you wish to become the overlord. The tag of the country you wish to add or remove administrative power to/from. HOI4 Cheats . 1 for level one, 2 for level two, and 3 for level three. If you don't specify a country tag as the second argument, this command will appy to the country that you are playing as. The country tag of the country you wish to make the owner of the province. Note that this command only works for provinces that are a part of a colony. The country tag of the emperor you wish to kill. The amount of army professionalism to add. Note that they should be of the Reformed religion (as otherwise there is no fervor to add or remove). This command spawns an actor with the specified name and within the specified province. The date you wish to set the game date to. This command will embrace a specified institution within a specified province. Increasing colonial range. It will be saved in your game's installation folder. Optional. This command kills the consort of the specified country. EU4 patch 1.13 YEREN into Qing true one tag (no CN) AAR: For the horde! This debug command logs to the console the current land shares for estates or crowns. Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 305 EU4 commands. The tag of the country you wish to add or remove fervor from. favors [country tag] [amount] DLC: The Cossacks. Optional. This website is not affiliated with Europa Universalis IV, or Paradox Interactive. See arguments for ability IDs. The tag of the country you wish to add/remove war exhaustion from. Optional. This command can be used to set the number the combat dice will roll to, meaning it will no longer be random. spawnactor [actor / mesh name] [province id] [animation]. This command adds loyalty to the estate with the specified ID. This command ends the cooldown that limits how soon a country can start another mission after cancelling a previous mission. I'm playing portugal trying to get "The navigator" and I can't find the colonial range advisor. This command adds a colonist to the country with the specified country tag. If you've made changes to a lua or GUi file, this command can reload the file and apply the changes without you needing to restart your game. If not specified, your current nation will be affected. The amount of military power you wish to add. add_republican_tradition [amount] [country tag]. karma [amount] [country tag] DLC: Common Sense. Cheat events, the list of which is below, bring even more interesting features. EU4 Cheats is a searchable list of all EU4 Console Commands for the lastest version on Steam (PC and Mac). The country tag to print ideas to game.log for. If not specified, your current country will be affected. 4. To colonize in EU4, you'll need to settle new lands with colonists, which you can get from the Exploration or Expansion idea groups, the former of which lets you reveal more of the map with Quest for the New World. This command reloads the game's language files (localisation files located in the 'localisation/' folder). The ID of the province you wish to clear the flag from. imperial_authority [amount] [country tag]. The country tag of the country imposing aggressive expansion on the first specified country. The amount of diplomatic power you wish to add. Stellaris Console Commands A number. Optional. The province must be part of a colony. Note that this command *sets* age, it does not add this number to the consort's existing age. Specify negative numbers to remove harmony. This command updates the localisation file for the specified language tag (e.g. Specify a negative number to remove doom. The ID of the province you wish to remove the core status from. This debug command will upload your game's latest crash dump. The amount of drill to set the country's sub units to. Specify a negative amount to subtract. If not specified, the leader will be spawned into your current country's military. This command adds the specified amount to all 'power points'. This console command adds the specified amount (number) of absolutism to the country you are playing as. what you want it to be called). This command will add 100 Papal Influence to the country with the specified tag. This is a toggle command, it will enable or disable the Trade Company Investment with the specified ID for the specified province. This command will add the specified amount of Republican Tradition to the country with the specified country tag. This debug command runs the code test with the specified code test ID. The Europa Universalis IV console can be opened by pressing one of the following keyboard hotkeys: `, ~, SHIFT + 2. The tag of the country you wish to add a heir to. This command starts a native uprising within the province with the specified ID. Optional. The tag of the country that should no longer class the specified province as a core. This is useful for debugging issues with collisions, etc. This command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of vertex textures in the game map. The amount of inflation you wish to add. A number between 0 and 50 - higher numbers make the combat sound less frequent. Specify a negative number to remove liberty desire. The country tag of the country you wish to add Revolutionary Zeal to. The tag of the country you wish to make this a core of. If you do not specify a country tag here, the consort within your current country will be killed. I've been replacing advisors as often as possible after getting my first colonist, and I just finished conquering Kongo's coastline, and am in range of the 3 dev province just north of the cape, but not the cape itself, so I decided to savescum for the stupid advisor, and after 10 attempts (that's . If not specified, the heir of your current country will be affected. This command adds and removes piety from countries of the Muslim religion. The ID of the province you wish to upgrade to a center of trade (and/or adjust the level of). To start a distaster within another country, switch to it using the tag command. Negative numbers will remove money. This command can be used to advance the progress of a missionary within a specified province. The country tag of the country you wish to change the stability of. This command claims the province with the specified ID for either your current country, or the country with the specified country tag (if you specify a country tag). This command will change the corruption of a specified country to the specified amount. Specify a negative number to remove base unrest. Otherwise, this command will apply to the country you are playing as. This command prints information about diplomatic relations to the game console. Specify a negative number to remove. This command sets the base manpower (multiplier) for the province with the specified ID to the specified value. E.g. Developers, modders, and curious players may wish to simulate a crash for debugging purposes. This debug command initiates a forceful reevaluation of all planned army movements by the AI. This command can be used to change the speed the game runs at. This command will end all wars the specified country is engaged in. This console command adds the specified amount of unrest (advancement) to the specified faction. This command sets the specified flag for the province with the specified ID. This command adds an issue, specified by its id/key, to parliament. The ID of the distaster you wish to start - e.g. The amount of days old a crash dump should at least be for it to be deleted. The tag of the country the emperor you wish to change the imperial authority of belongs to. If you do not specify an amount, the default (500) will be added. If revolts are disabled, using this command will turn them back on. This command will open (or close if already open) the specified window. Specify a negative amount to remove base unrest. So annoying. The amount of money you wish to add to the treasury. subsurf cheats Student, Software Engineer, and Project Manager in Phoenix, AZ. This command makes the specified province no longer a core of the country it belongs to. This console command sets the devotion of the country with the specified tag to the specified amount. This command resets the economy statistics (not the economy itself) that are shown when the economy console command is executed. This command shows the modifier values (boosts, etc) for the specified province ID. This console command adds the specified amount of reform desire to your current country. Explorers and Conquistadors This command adds the specified amount of authority to either your own country or the country with the specified tag. fervor [amount] [country tag] DLC: Wealth of Nations. A number. This command will give the Pope the Golden Bull with the specified ID. The ID of the trait you wish to add to your ruler. If you specify a country tag here, the casus belli will come from this country, rather than the one you are playing as. If, as a second argument, a file name is provided (e.g. The country tag of the country you wish to have the opinion of changed. The amount of devastation you wish to add the to aforementioned province. May crash the game. The AI cheats, and cheats and cheats. The second country tag (optional) is for the the country that is imposing the aggressive expansion. The country tag of the country you wish to add reform progress to. Optional. But they do get a bonus to it which may well account for some of this. This is a toggle command. The country tag of the country you wish to add/remove church power from. We remind you that they are entered using the following code: event [event number]. This console command will clear any aggression expansion between the two countries with the specified country tags. The tag of the country you wish to integrate into another. The ID of the religion you wish to change the target country/provice to. Negative numbers will remove authority. This command adds the specified amount of money to the Curia Treasury. This command will copy to your clipboard all timer info. If the two specified countries are already integrating, this command will instantly complete the integration process. All Lucky nations get a 5% bonus chance to settler growth from colonists, which essentially means over 15 more population per year on their colonies. This command removes the limitation that restricts amount of major missions you can choose from. This command reloads all lakes existing across the game. Specify a negative number to remove. change_religion [country tag / province id] [religion id]. Sender. The colonized province will become a core with the province's original characteristics (like religion and culture). This command toggles (enables and disables) the games self-learning AI (artificial intelligence). After executing this command, score information will be printed to the game.log file. This command makes the province with the specified ID a core of the country it belongs to. If not specified, the incident will start in your country. This command will print the value of the specified modifier for the target country. This command adds the specified amount of government ability points to your current country. A number. The ID of the province to set the missionary progress for. The tag of the country to do the 'vassalizing' - if not specified, this will be your current country. The amount you wish to add to the current reform level of the Holy Roman Empire. and EU4 patch 1.09 RYUKYU one tag AAR: The Three mountains! 3. See argument information for where to place the file. This is a debug command. The amount to set the Chinese Emperor's meritocracy to. Optional. This command prints a specified amount of random RGB (color) values to the game.log file. The country tag of the country you wish to repair all ships of. EU4 Add_colonist Command General Information This command adds a colonist to the country with the specified country tag. If not specified, a list of commands will be printed. Negative numbers reduce diplomatic power. This command changes the date of the game to the date specified. This command sets the isolation level (0 - 4) of the country you are playing as to the specified number. If not specified, the country you are playing as will be affected. If you do not specify a country tag here, aggressive expansion from all countries for the first specified country will be cleared. A number. This is a debug command - it tests the specified achievement. This command enables and disables (toggles) terrain incognita. This is a debug command that creates and opens up a new startup screen (the screen that loads when you open the game). The tag of the country you wish to add a colonist to. Specify a negative number to remove war exhaustion. This command will set your country's military leader's trait to the trait with the specified trait ID. This command removes a casus belli (specified by its ID and the two country tags involved). The country tag of the country that the first country is a march of. The country tag of the country's leader you wish to change the legitimacy of. add_consort [country tag] [country tag] DLC: Rights of Man. The amount of unrest (advancement) you wish to add. The test ID of the code test you wish to run. This command creates a general (military leader) with the specified fire, shock, maneuver and siege characteristics for the specified country. The ID of the province you wish to embrace an institution(s) within. If not specified, the country that you are playing as will be affected. This is a debug tool - it is used to test for memory leaks. NOTE: This command will only end wars the country is the aggressor or defender in, not wars they are assisting in (e.g. If you do not specify a country tag here, your own country will be affected. There is no cheat to do exactly what you want but you can probably use "own <province id>" if you have to. Use 'timer' to see results/data collected. If not specified, the event will be carried out within your country. If you do not specify a country tag as an argument, the country you are playing as will assimilate, otherwise, the country with the specified tag will assimilate the province. Use the command 'combat_dice -1' to restore normal functionality (random). If a country tag is specified, the country with this tag will instead have their diplomatic power changed. This command can be used to increase or decrease the imperial authority of a specified country's emperor. remove_cb [casus belli id] [country tag] [country tag]. Specify a negative number to remove army tradition. The amount of army tradition you wish to add. This command changes the song currently being played (in-game music) to the next song queued in the playlist. The ID of the trait you wish to set for your country's military leader. Victoria 2 Cheats The amount of administrative power you wish to add. If specified, this command will change the drill of all sub units for the country with the specified country tag. The ID of the province you wish to view province modifiers for. The tag of the country you wish to toggle AI for. flagship_heavy [name] [ability id] [ability id] [ability id]. This command can be used to change the frequency of the random sounds emitted from the combat view. The ID of the court member you wish to change the culture of. If you do not specify a value here, this will default to 5000. Could well be more than 10%, maybe 25%. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. The country tag of the country you wish to apply this command to. HOI4 Console Commands The language tag of the localisation file you wish to reload (e.g. This cheat adds 10% patriarch authority to the country with the specified tag. This debug command crashes the game. This command adds natives to the province with the specified ID. This command enables and disables (toggles) a specified country's lucky nation status. This command will kill the ruler of the specified country. The ID of the unit to spawn in the specified province. Golden bull IDs: A number. The country tag of the country that you wish to send the insult. The tag of the country you wish to form a union. Country Tags