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Coming from the Latin words cum and patior, compassion means to suffer. You offered Him on the altar of the Crossthe future Eucharistic Christin perfect adoration to the insulted majesty of God, in thanksgiving for all the blessings showered on mankind; in reparation for our sins and in petition for sinners. Not only the Mother of Mexico, but of all the Americas. Teach me to utter your name with deep respect because, after the name of Jesus, it is most sacred and revered above all others. Fulfill your apostolic mission of winning the world for Christ. God chose you to be His Mother and by that very choice has associated you with Himself in the work of the salvation of men. I am unworthy of that. 3. Though you felt joy in the birth of your first-born Son, you brought us forth in sorrow at the death of that same Son. He can and does suspend the laws of nature for those who have faith in His goodness and entreat Him in fervent prayer. Foundation of the Abbey of Dunes, Flanders, in honor of the Blessed Virgin (1128) 3. Amen. How happy Jesus must have been to receive the homage that you paid Him! I look to you for the grace of final perseverance and a happy death. Mary, Mother of God, you are the mother of the Judge: you are also the Mother of the sinners. You remained there working for God, meditating on His holy Law, praying and praising His divine Goodness. The divine maternity itself, more than any particular privilege, is a mark of God's unequalled love for you. Sanctifying grace made you God's adopted child and the lawful heir to His eternal kingdom, putting you in possession of God's goods and of God Himself forever. 3. As the body of your Divine Son was preserved from the corruption of the grave, so you, from whom He took flesh, were also free from the power of earthly decay. If I put my trust in you, I shall be saved. I earnestly want to be filled with the dispositions in which you expected the coming of the Savior and thus prepare myself for His coming into my soul by faith and divine charity, as well as for His coming at the hour of my death and judgment. 2. You brought me forth to the divine life. And Mary said: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Monday, September 15, 2014. 5, 7). Feasts of Our Lady Throughout the Year January MONTH of the HOLY NAME 1. Grant that all these, men and women alike, may be freed from sin, to repose on His Heart of merciful love. It means imitating your humility, your purity, your detachment from the world, and your unselfish resignation to the will of God in every event of life. The effects of the presence of Jesus and you are still the same. Mary, Mother of God, you are Our Lady of Good Counsel because of the divine wisdom and prudence which you received from the Holy Spirit. 2. You knew nothing but God and His love you wished for nothing but Him and His holy will; you sought nothing but His greater honor. You have entered into the highest state of power and glory in Heaven in order that you may help us in our journey through so many dangers to the kingdom of Heaven. It is the ideal and providential moment to entrust . An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 15 of September, repeating indefinitely Grant that following your good counsel, I may avoid sin, practise virtue, save my soul and attain eternal life. Teach me to love Him with some of the love that glowed in your own heart so that my heart may always be His pleasing temple. As the God-man, Jesus is the perfect Mediator between God and man, because He alone could in all justice merit our reconciliation with God as well as the graces which God would impart after the reconciliation. We praise your virginity and admire your humility; but because we are poor sinners, your mercy attracts us more and we embrace it more lovingly. But, if it is true that in the task of redemption you cooperated with Him in everything, in His joys and sorrows, in His winning our salvation then it is also true that you do the same in the dispensing of all the graces, material and spiritual, necessary for our salvation. Therefore, with childlike confidence I appeal to your motherly Heart for help. But God has willed that you should be exempted from this general rule because, by an entirely singular privilege, you completely overcame sin by your Immaculate Conception. This is a great time for us to reflect on the sorrows and the sufferings that Our Blessed Mother went through. DEC. 12 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE. When His lips were tortured with gall and vinegar, a sea of bitterness was poured into your Heart. Help me to esteem the light of my reason as a sharing in the divine wisdom, especially when I try to follow the teaching of the Gospel. He wanted the strengthening of the faith of His disciples and the manifestation of His Divinity to depend upon your prayers. After the Ascension you found the past under another form; the consecrated Bread the Apostle John placed on your lips was Jesus, who was formed from your own flesh and with whom your body was again united. Many parishes, in addition to having a special feast day Mass, also host a reception or party in honor of the day. Hence, it is through you that we must go to Christ, almost in the same way as through Christ we approach our Heavenly Father. This was a declaration that all Christians are your spiritual children. I am happy at the thought that you, a human creature, have escaped completely from the clutches of Satan, that born of a race universally tainted, you are more pure and more brilliant than the most sublime of the angels; and that you are my Mother. You rule over their minds, by making them understand better the teaching of Christ, over their hearts, by turning them to Jesus through the charm of your motherly affection, over their wills, by gently inclining them to observe all the commandments of your Son; over their bodies, by teaching men to subject their members to the law of God through the practice of temperance and chastity. Feast, Saturday after the Feast of St. Augustine (Aug. 28) (Triduum, Wednesday nearest the feast of St. In your six apparitions at Fatima you made repeated demands for penance and reparation. And I am sure there is nothing you want more than that, to see me perfectly dedicated to God even as you are. ", Your Heart is a shrine of peace, for it is the Heart of the Mother of the Prince of Peace, a Heart never for a moment disturbed by evil passions, a Heart whose gifts to mankind are mercy, love and peace. We recommend to you our hopes and our fears. Mary, My Mother, help me to imitate your holiness to some degree. . You thought only of the good you could do in Elizabeth's home. Your redemption was the very masterpiece of Christ's redeeming wisdom. You are the most beautiful of creatures, the one in whom there is no spot, God's masterpiece. Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows Help me to imitate your zeal in assisting my neighbor in his needs. Though the designs of God were unknown to you, you, nevertheless, detached your heart from the world in order to give all your love to God. You died as you had lived, entirely detached from the things of the world, you died in the most perfect peace and in the certainty of eternal glory. What grief filled your heart as you gazed upon your Son with His flesh torn, His head encircled with long, sharp thorns, His whole body covered with blooda mock-King with a reed in His hand and cast-off cloak over His bleeding shoulders. You abound in divine life for yourself; for us you abound in grace. You knew that thousands even of His faithful followers throughout the world would turn from Him and would make His coming the occasion of their eternal ruin. Let us thank the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit for giving us the best mother in the world, so beautiful, pure and spotless in body and soul, who loves each one of us with so great maternal concern and compassion. Isaias called you a Virgin; "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and His name shall be Emmanuel." It was fitting that you receive into your holy womb the One who contained all graces. You embrace the universe in the realm of your love and enrich it through your unfailing intercession. This apostolic mission is a consequence of your office as Mother, as Co-Redemptrix and as Dispenser of all graces. 3. Those words include us all. Because of your dignity, you reach to the borders of the divine. You are blessed because of the fullness of grace you received; blessed, because of the greatness of the mercy to be bestowed on you; blessed, because of the Majesty of the Person who was to take flesh of you; blessed, because of the glory which would become yours. Feast, September 15 (Novena, September 6-14) (See the Feast of Seven Sorrows, Friday of Passion Week), Feast, September 24 (Triduum, September 21-23). Your birth was represented beforehand by many figures, announced by prophets, desired for many ages by the human race. I shall be blessed if I imitate you in bearing my cross till death. With the Father you, too, can say: "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.". Mary's Feast Days August - Our Lady's Rosary Makers Your intimate union with your Divine Son is the reason for your power with Him. Since this is the mission of your life, to bring souls to God through Jesus, lead me to your loving Son. If at any time you had been without Divine grace even for the shortest moment, there would not have come between you and the serpent that everlasting enmity spoken of by God. 3. It was the great vital act that completed the work of God in the world. COLUMN: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes: World Day of the Sick--2/7/2021 Thus He clearly revealed that in His kingdom you were to be the dispenser of His riches. The gift that God conferred upon you when He chose you to be the Mother of His Divine Son, and the grace that was in proportion to that gift, are beyond the understanding of men and even angels. Your life with Jesus was one of deepest recollection, which gathered all the powers of your soul around the God-Man. The Church teaches that final perseverance in good and a happy death are graces so great that no one can obtain them by his own merits or without special help from God. Mary, My Mother, the day of your Assumption was the great day of your triumph. The Scriptures refer to you and Joseph as "the parents of Jesus." God's grace can also do wonders in me if only I do not refuse to cooperate with it. As you were called to cooperate with your Divine Son on Calvary in acquiring the treasure of His infinite merits, so now in Heaven you cooperate with Him in dispensing those merits to His Mystical Body. Because you were to be the Mother of God, original sin, which like all Eve's daughters you should have contracted, could not touch you. The Divine Son gave you a mother's heart, in which, as in a sanctuary, He wished to dwell. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe | Catholics & Cultures You add a degree of motherly sweetness to the joy of the angels and saints and to the blessed of the Church triumphant. Your life, like that of your Divine Son, was a daily crucifixion and martyrdom, but on Good Friday that crucifixion reached its climax. But you are the Mother of the living, for by your fidelity to your Maker you deserved to give to mankind a Redeemer who by His death has destroyed the reign of death and has thrown open to us the gates of everlasting life. Though it is impossible for me to form any idea of the thoughts that flooded your mind and heart, I beg you to give me at least a spark of that fervor of divine love that burned in your soul. By conforming themselves to the divine model of your Family, may they attain to eternal happiness. 2. August 9: OUR LADY OF THE BURNING CLOUD (ATOM BOMB) On Thursday, August 9, 1945, a blinding flash split the sky above Nagasaki. And so it is even now in heaven. The title "Our Lady of Sorrows" focuses on Mary's intense suffering during the passion and death of Christ. How consoling it is to know that you have these heavenly blessings at your disposal! If you had no husband, the unbelieving Jews would have stoned you as a sinner. For thirty-three years you enjoyed the company of the only-begotten Son of God in the intimate relation of Mother and Son, and under your care, according to the Evangelist, He "advanced in wisdom, and age, and grace, before God and man" (Luke 2, 52). And now as Mother of God and Mother of men, and as Queen of Heaven and Earth, you serve as a bond between God and men. In all your deeds you showed the fruits of the Divine Wisdom which had made you the dwelling-place of God. You are the spotless tabernacle, the earthly resting-place prepared for the Son of God, hence the Church pays loving respect to your Immaculate Heart. Mary, Mother of God, I firmly believe in the doctrine of Holy Mother Church concerning your Immaculate Conception, namely, that you were, in the first instant of your conception, by the singular grace and privilege of God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin. Due to her feast day on September 15, the month of September has traditionally been set aside to honor Our Lady of Sorrows. Mary, My Mother, through your prayers may I be blessed with a keen understanding of the ways of God. When the Angel Gabriel came as a messenger from God, it was not only to ask your consent to become the Mother of the Son of God, but also to treat with you of the salvation of the human race, of the birth of the Savior of the world, of the regeneration of mankind and the setting up of an everlasting kingdom. You were dressed in your finest clothes and surrounded by your friends as you joined the procession by the light of lamps and the sound of music. How often I do not know where to turn. You are the morning star,the morning star that announces the arrival of the sun of justice. 7, 24). Our Lady of Sorrows - Wikipedia We all rejoice because all the graces and spiritual benefits we have received and shall receive, all our future glory comes from this exalted mystery of the Incarnation. You are the woman, the new Eve; the wood of the Cross is the new tree of life, the death of Jesus, the new Adam, takes away the sting of the death of Adam. 2. In order to live, not to myself, but to God, I must bear the cross in union with Jesus. 1. 3. pray for me! Mary, My Mother, when my heart is oppressed with guilt and fear, let me look to you. There were two great altars on Calvary; one in the Body of Jesus, the other in your heart; for on that mount, at the same time that your Son sacrificed His body by death, you sacrificed your soul by compassion. Though worn with sorrow, you at once took your place at the foot of the cross. 3. Having deigned to come down to you, He wished to raise you up to Himself in order that you might enter into glory. In order to free yourself from legal uncleanness and to give us an example of obedience to God's law, you submitted to the ceremony of the purification and made the offering demanded of the poortwo pigeons or turtledoves. You were longing to see the Face of God and to be happy in the vision. It was your duty to represent the whole of mankind and to offer those acts of adoration faith, hatred of sin, love and prayer, which were due from those who shared in this sacrifice. God has willed that by your intercession we should obtain the graces Jesus has merited for us. OUR LADY OF SORROWS Feast day- September 15, 2022. You were entirely under the influence of Christ's divinity. Even though my past sinfulness may have made me unworthy to appear before God, I trust that you will appeal to God in my behalf as the Mother of Divine Grace. How often am I confused in the problems of life. Through your prayers all graces have come to the apostle and to the souls converted or sanctified. Feast, Saturday after the Feast of the Ascension (Triduum, Wednesday before the Feast of the Ascension). In your humility you refused praise, giving all the praise and glory to God. 3. You consented to be the Mother of the Redeemer at the Annunciation, and thus you were willing to share in the sufferings of the Redeemer. Mary, My Mother, from your early years you adored the one true God in the Temple at Jerusalem. Our founder, so moved by her image, vowed to live by her exampleand that's a promise our Mercy Home family still upholds today. May my soul always find comfort in your holy name! Your eyes ever watch over us; your ears ever listen to our cries; your hands are ever extended over us to help us and impart heavenly gifts to us; above all, your Heart is full of tenderest care for us. Mary, Mother of God, how pleasing to God was your humility! HAPPY FEAST DAY! 3. The more holy you are, the greater is your sweetness and compassion toward sinners who have recourse to you with the desire to amend their lives. You really had the right to offer Jesus to His Heavenly Father in this mystery. I wish to do penance by giving up sin and amending my life, by asking pardon and making reparation to the Heart of Jesus and to your Immaculate Heart, so grievously offended by our sins. To all of us your Immaculate Heart after that of Jesus is most loving and most merciful. Mary, Mother of God, you reign in splendor for all eternity with your Divine Son. When the hands and feet of Jesus were pierced with nails, the sound of each blow of the hammer inflicted a wound in your Heart. God has made you Queen and Protectress of the Church. The Gospel speaks of you as standing beneath the cross. Why do we call Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows"? You must have willed your Son's death, because, hard as it was to make this sacrifice, it would have been quite impossible for your will to be the least separated from His. Your heart sank each time He fell beneath its weight. Filled with deep humility, and yet on fire with desire to unite yourself still more closely to God, you abandoned yourself entirely to the Divine will and answered, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word" (Luke 1, 38). 1. Jesus exhausted His love for man also. Thus you will be for me not only the Health of the Sick but also the Gate of Heaven. I want to love you with all my heart that I may in some way merit that you love me in return. You are the Glory of Jerusalem; you are the Joy of Israel; you are the Honor of our people. You beheld Him suspended by iron nails. I ask this with special earnestness from you who are the Health of the Sick. Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of my Rosary be a sign of my gratitude to Jesus and to you for all you have done for me in bringing about my Redemption. Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion - Feast Day. PRAYER: O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender commiseration for those sufferings, as well as a sincere detestation of my sins, in order . You are "Suppliant Omnipotence" because your prayer obtains all graces from the infinite treasures of God. Mary, Mother of God, by your offering you sacrificed your own heart. Unlike martyrs who endured physical torments, Mary suffered torment in her soul. Whatever graces we receive, come to us through your intercession. Jesus purchased me at the cost of His own life, and you offered that life to God for me. What was true of the effusion of the Holy Spirit on that day, is equally true of every outpouring of grace: God gives nothing to earth without causing the gift to pass through your hands. Who can describe the merits and graces that adorned your soul at the glorious instant of your Nativity at a period when all other children have no merit! I also believe that grace is a free gift of God, and I have no claim to it except as a member of His holy Church, which is the mystical body of Christ. Pray to Him for us, your children, that in our exile we may resemble you, His most devoted follower, and at last may glorify Him in union with you forever. As Christ was pleased to be comforted by an angel, so was it necessary that you should be encouraged by one. You were not bound by the Law, because you were a virgin as well as a mother. You have given us Christ that He may make us live of His life. This wisdom and prudence showed itself at a very early age, when you willed to devote yourself entirely to God and were presented by your saintly parents, at your own request, for the temple service. What a difference between the woeful prediction of Simeon and the joyous tidings of the archangel Gabriel announcing the greatness of the Redeemer of mankind! In you, to an eminent degree, all the privileges of other saints meet. Your life with Jesus was one of the purest, most fervent, most perfect emotions of love to God, whom you sheltered within yourself. And I did this, not under the sudden influence of passion, but deliberately with full knowledge of the act, of its horrible malice in the sight of God and of the terrible consequences in which it involved me. You are all-merciful that you may obtain for me pardon and mercy.