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There is always only one collect used in a Mass. The priest says the invitation to the prayer, and all the faithful say it with him; the priest alone adds the embolism, which the people conclude with a doxology. 374. [102] Cf. 9. 201. 135. 3: AAS 72 (1980), pp. 141. 41: AAS 87 (1995), p. 304. In a new rubric it is noted,"At an appropriate momentduring Communion, the Priestentrusts the Eucharist from the table of the altar to Deacons or acolytes or other extraordinary ministers, so that afterwards it may be brought to the sick who are to receive Holy Communion at home" (EM, no. Such Masses are provided for those who are in no way able to participate in the evening Mass and not for the advantage of individuals or (newly added) special small groups (RomanMissal, rubrics for the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper [EM], no. endobj [43] Cf. The holy day falls on the Thursday before Easter and is part of Holy Week. 9; Codex Iuris Canonici, can. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 50. The commentator, who provides the faithful, when appropriate, with brief explanations and commentaries with the purpose of introducing them to the celebration and preparing them to understand it better. [76] Cf. Liturgy of the Word First Reading Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14Thanks be to God. After the priest, the deacon, in virtue of the sacred ordination he has received, holds first place among those who minister in the Eucharistic Celebration. He also assists the priest in receiving the peoples gifts. 72. The practice is to be kept of building a sacrarium in the sacristy, into which is poured the water from the purification of sacred vessels and linens (cf. The priest approaches the altar and, after making a profound bow along with the minister, venerates the altar with a kiss and goes to the chair. On reaching the altar, the concelebrants and the principal celebrant, after making a profound bow, venerate the altar with a kiss, then go to their designated seats. These are to be maintained not only so that errors may be avoided, but also so that the faith may be passed on in its integrity, since the Churchs rule of prayer (lex orandi) corresponds to her rule of belief (lex credendi).[159]. UNIVERSAL PRAYER At the end of each petition, the reader says: V. We pray to the Lord. 0000005649 00000 n For exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with the ciborium the following are to be prepared: A. an altar cloth B. at least two candles C. censer and incense boat, if incense will be used D. humeral veil E. chair and kneeler F. vesture for a presbyter or deacon: alb and stole (cope . Before leaving the altar, the concelebrants make a profound bow to the altar. 276-277). 228. 345. Singing is the sign of the hearts joy (cf. /,pUFPU Hy endstream endobj 402 0 obj <>/Size 368/Type/XRef>>stream Having bowed to the altar, he then takes up the Book of the Gospels which was placed upon it. 0 In the dioceses of the United States of America there are four options for the Communion chant: (1) the antiphon from The Roman Missal or the Psalm from the Roman Gradual as set to music there or in another musical setting; (2) the seasonal antiphon and Psalm of the Simple Gradual; (3) a song from another collection of psalms and antiphons, approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops or the diocesan Bishop, including psalms arranged in responsorial or metrical forms; (4) a suitable liturgical song chosen in accordance with no. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. [128] Cf. 0000001056 00000 n When the homily is completed, a period of silence may be observed. 151. 96. The purification of the chalice is done with water alone or with wine and water, which is then drunk by whoever does the purification. 262. In view of the rather broad range of choice among the readings and orations, it is best if Masses for various circumstances be used in moderation, that is, when the occasion truly requires. 0000002090 00000 n The bread for celebrating the Eucharist must be made only from wheat, must be recently baked, and, according to the ancient tradition of the Latin Church, must be unleavened. After the deacon or, when no deacon is present, one of the concelebrants has said the invitation Offerte vobis pacem (Let us offer each other the sign of peace), all exchange the sign of peace with one another. After the priests Communion, the deacon receives Communion under both kinds from the priest himself and then assists the priest in distributing Communion to the people. % The Conference of Bishops will be the judge in this matter.[139]. [48] St. Augustine of Hippo, Sermo 336, 1: Patrologiae cursus completus: Series latina, J. P. Migne, editor, Paris, 1844-1855 (hereafter, PL), 38, 1472. 187-193), which he must perform personally. The norms on the manner of singing are the same as for the Entrance chant (cf. 24. For this reason, the norm of the holy Fathers requires not only the preservation of what our immediate forebears have passed on to us, but also an understanding and a more profound study of the Churchs entire past and of all the ways in which her one and only faith has been set forth in the quite diverse human and social forms prevailing in the Semitic, Greek, and Latin areas. From the offices of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, March 17, 2003. endobj 42. In building new churches, it is preferable to erect a single altar which in the gathering of the faithful will signify the one Christ and the one Eucharist of the Church. 223. For following the publication first of the Sacramentary known as the Gregorian in 1571, critical editions of other ancient Roman and Ambrosian Sacramentaries were published, often in book form, as were ancient Hispanic and Gallican liturgical books which brought to light numerous prayers of no slight spiritual excellence that had previously been unknown. the Holy Synod commands pastors and all others having the care of souls to give frequent instructions during the celebration of Mass, either personally or through others, concerning what is read at Mass; among other things, they should include some explanation of the mystery of this most holy Sacrifice, especially on Sundays and holy days.[14]. Rather, such instances should be addressed pastorally, by providing the faithful with proper catechesis on the reasons for this norm. From the Supplices ergo te, Domine (And so, Father, we bring you these gifts) to the Respice, quaesumus (Look with favor) inclusive, all the concelebrants speak all the following together: The Supplices ergo te, Domine (And so, Father, we bring you these gifts) with hands extended toward the offerings; The Ipse enim in qua nocte tradebatur (On the night he was betrayed) and the Simili modo (When supper was ended) with hands joined; While speaking the words of the Lord, each extends his right hand toward the bread and toward the chalice, if this seems appropriate; as the host and the chalice are shown, however, they look at them and, afterwards, bow profoundly; The Memores igitur (Father, calling to mind) and the Respice, quaesumus (Look with favor) with hands outstretched. Pontifical Commission for interpreting legal texts, response to dubium regarding can. 0000024944 00000 n It is worn by the deacon over his left shoulder and drawn diagonally across the chest to the right side, where it is fastened. 48, 74, 87); The readings from Sacred Scripture to be used in special circumstances (cf. 376. The Introductory Rites . <> If he wishes, the priest may remain at the altar; in this case, the Missal is likewise prepared there. The Mass For Peace and Justice (no. Then the priest, extending his hands, greets the people, saying, Dominus vobiscum (The Lord be with you). The Collect When this hymn is concluded, the Priest, says: Let us pray. The Preface is sung or said by the principal priest celebrant alone; but the Sanctus is sung or recited by all the concelebrants, together with the congregation and the choir. Their purpose is to ensure that the faithful who come together as one establish communion and dispose themselves to listen properly to Gods word and to celebrate the Eucharist worthily. Among the parts assigned to the priest, the foremost is the Eucharistic Prayer, which is the high point of the entire celebration. After this prayer is concluded, extending and then joining his hands, he gives the greeting of peace while facing the people and saying, Pax Domini sit simper vobiscum (The peace of the Lord be with you always). 47: AAS 59 (1967), p. 314. To be held in high regard is that concelebration in which the priests of each diocese concelebrate with their own Bishop at a stational Mass, especially on the more solemn days of the liturgical year, at the Ordination Mass of a new Bishop of the diocese or of his Coadjutor or Auxiliary, at the Chrism Mass, at the Evening Mass of the Lords Supper, at celebrations of the Founder Saint of a local Church or the Patron of the diocese, on anniversaries of the Bishop, and, lastly, on the occasion of a Synod or a pastoral visitation. 123. Nevertheless, in a particular celebration, such as Confirmation, Marriage, or a Funeral, the series of intentions may reflect more closely the particular occasion. [118] Cf. It is appropriate that this place be ordinarily a stationary ambo and not simply a movable lectern. The sacred vessels are purified by the priest, the deacon, or an instituted acolyte after Communion or after Mass, insofar as possible at the credence table. With the people he adds, Domine, non sum dignus (Lord, I am not worthy). A bow of the head is made when the three Divine Persons are named together and at the names of Jesus, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of the Saint in whose honor Mass is being celebrated. [107] Cf. Council of Trent, session 13, Decretum de ss. Then the "Deacon or the Priest himself places theSacrament in the tabernacle and closes the door" (EM, no. nos. It is very appropriate that the priest sing those parts of the Eucharistic Prayer for which musical notation is provided. 762-769; Paul VI, Solemn Profession of Faith, 30 June 1968, nos. 275. [164] Cf. 372. When a choice is allowed between alternative texts, whether they are fixed or optional, attention must be paid to what is in the best interests of those taking part, whether it is a matter of using the easier text or one more appropriate in a given group, or of repeating or setting aside a text that is assigned as proper to some particular celebration while being optional for another,[143] as pastoral advantage may suggest. As to the form of the sacred vessels, the artist may fashion them in a manner that is more in keeping with the customs of each region, provided each vessel is suited to the intended liturgical use and is clearly distinguishable from those intended for everyday use. H\j0l/J[0bR[c"o?*3KHIr$0&v{0 pXgvfz y\;ef8 162. 240. 100-106 may also be entrusted by a liturgical blessing or a temporary deputation to suitable lay persons chosen by the pastor or rector of the church. 398. 171-186) and likewise carries out the other parts, that is, those of the people. 268. [149] Cf. 0000010107 00000 n N. 2235/02/L). Then the priest bows profoundly and says the Munda cor meum (Almighty God, cleanse my heart) and, afterwards, reads the Gospel. 47; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. It is fitting that there be a cantor or a choir director to lead and sustain the peoples singing. 293. It is, however, appropriate that each person offer the sign of peace only to those who are nearest and in a sober manner. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. Unless otherwise indicated, only the principal celebrant makes the gestures. 220. Adaptations Within the Competence of Bishops and Bishops Conferences, 386. Then, as the occasion suggests, he incenses the cross and the altar, walking around the latter. The homily, Profession of Faith, and Prayer of the Faithful, however, develop and conclude this part of the Mass. also Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Musicam sacram, On music in the Liturgy, 5 March 1967, no. 257. It is appropriate that actions and processions of this sort be carried out with decorum while the chants proper to them occur, in keeping with the norms prescribed for each. 4: AAS 30 (1938), pp. 63. In the absence of an instituted acolyte, lay ministers may be deputed to serve at the altar and assist the priest and the deacon; they may carry the cross, the candles, the thurible, the bread, the wine, and the water, and they may also be deputed to distribute Holy Communion as extraordinary ministers. 5, 18. Next the priest invites the people to pray. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. no. Furthermore, great attention is to be paid to whatever is directly associated with the altar and the Eucharistic celebration, e.g., the altar cross and the cross carried in procession. The people say the acclamation, Gloria tibi, Domine (Glory to you, Lord). The priest, standing at the chair or at the ambo itself or, when appropriate, in another suitable place, gives the homily. 0000013406 00000 n 188. 30; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Musicam sacram, On music in the Liturgy, 5 March 1967, no. It is a praiseworthy practice for the parts that are to be said by all the concelebrants together and for which musical notation is provided in the Missal to be sung. 305. Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, Instruction Actio pastoralis, On Masses with special groups, 15 May 1969: AAS 61 (1969), pp. no. Following the example of Christ, the Church has always used bread and wine with water to celebrate the Lords Supper. Then he takes the chalice, saying quietly, Sanguis Christi custodiat me in vitam aeternam (May the Blood of Christ bring me to everlasting life), and reverently receives the Blood of Christ. "The altar may be decorated with flowers with a moderation that accords withthe character of this day" (EM, no. 152. The Communion chant begins while the priest is receiving the Sacrament (cf. no. These ministers should not approach the altar before the priest has received Communion, and they are always to receive from the hands of the priest celebrant the vessel containing either species of the Most Holy Eucharist for distribution to the faithful. 44). When no deacon is present, the lector, after the introduction by the priest, may announce from the ambo the intentions of the Prayer of the Faithful. ?KDnQ\Tin$|[X~.|A-&nkT s&']iBvyRM~:w^h4BHQm*lS6d|HD;$.O[cH1k.U@ ,_Y [158] Cf. When he reaches the altar, if he is carrying the Book of the Gospels, he omits the sign of reverence and goes up to the altar. IV. It will also be up to the Conferences of Bishops to prepare, by means of careful study, a translation of the other texts, so that, even though the character of each language is respected, the meaning of the original Latin text is fully and faithfully rendered. is the death of his faithful ones. For the celebration of the Eucharist, the people of God normally are gathered together in a church or, if there is no church or if it is too small, then in another respectable place that is nonetheless worthy of so great a mystery. 543, 547. 31. [90] Cf. In certain cases, readings are provided that highlight some particular aspect of the spiritual life or activity of the Saint. [70] Cf. All stand up. Eucharistic Prayer IV has an invariable Preface and gives a fuller summary of salvation history. 143. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. This teaching, which is concisely expressed in the statement already contained in the ancient Sacramentary commonly known as the LeonineAs often as the commemoration of this sacrifice is celebrated, the work of our redemption is carried out[3]is aptly and accurately developed in the Eucharistic Prayers. Other types of sacred music, in particular polyphony, are in no way excluded, provided that they correspond to the spirit of the liturgical action and that they foster the participation of all the faithful. 2104 36 278. 0000012141 00000 n MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Lent ends with the beginning of the Mass of the Lord's Supper on the evening of Holy Thursdaythe only Mass permitted on this day. Franciscus Pius Tamburrino Archbishop-Secretary, UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS. [22] Cf. 59: AAS 56 (1964), p. 891; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Musicam sacram, On music in the Liturgy, 5 March 1967, no. Furthermore, if the inner elements of this tradition are reflected upon, it also becomes clear how outstandingly and felicitously the older Roman Missal is brought to fulfillment in the new. Then holding it in their right hand, with the left hand placed below, they return to their places. endstream endobj 2138 0 obj <>/Size 2104/Type/XRef>>stream 14: AAS 59 (1967), p. 304. It is praiseworthy for the bread and wine to be presented by the faithful. 0000005847 00000 n At the end the minister makes the acclamation, Amen. 224. 112-198), except for those matters that are to be observed, even with appropriate adaptation to circumstances, as set forth below. 902. [138], 343. 126; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Inter Oecumenici, On the orderly carrying out of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 26 September 1964, no. The rubrics for this section begin immediately with the first form of the Showing of the Holy Cross. 7 0 obj The option chosen may change from year to . Codex Iuris Canonici, can. This sample provides several options. 7671; Pontifical Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law, response to dubium regarding can. 308. [162] Inculturation, moreover, requires a necessary length of time, lest the authentic liturgical tradition suffer contamination due to haste and a lack of caution. 97. While the sign of peace is being given, one may say, Pax Domini sit semper tecum (The peace of the Lord be with you always), to which the response is Amen. [94] Cf. In the Holy Thursday celebration, two ritual actions stand out among the rest: The Washing of the Feet. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. [129] Cf. In accordance with the ancient tradition of the Church, the collect prayer is usually addressed to God the Father, through Christ, in the Holy Spirit,[57] and is concluded with a trinitarian ending, that is to say the longer ending, in the following manner: If the prayer is directed to the Father: Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum (Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever); If it is directed to the Father, but the Son is mentioned at the end: Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum (Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy spirit, one God, forever and ever); If it is directed to the Son: Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum (You live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever). 194. Acclamation: In which the whole congregation, joining with the heavenly powers, sings the Sanctus. Upon returning to the altar, the priest collects any fragments that may remain. 93. [85], 101. 160, 283); The materials for the altar and sacred furnishings, especially the sacred vessels, and also the materials, form, and color of the liturgical vestments (cf. As an expression of veneration, moreover, the priest and deacon then kiss the altar itself; as the occasion suggests, the priest also incenses the cross and the altar. The meaning of the sign demands that the material for the Eucharistic celebration truly have the appearance of food. He may entrust it to a concelebrating priest or occasionally, according to circumstances, to the deacon, but never to a lay person. 17: AAS 59 (1967), p. 305. [40] Cf. Upon reaching the altar, the acolyte places the cross upright near the altar so that it may serve as the altar cross; otherwise, he puts it in a worthy place. The priest, in fact, as the one who presides, prays in the name of the Church and of the assembled community; but at times he prays only in his own name, asking that he may exercise his ministry with greater attention and devotion. In these Masses, therefore, individuals should exercise the office proper to the Order or ministry they have received. no. From the Quaesumus, igitur, Domine (Father, may this Holy Spirit) to the Respice, Domine (Lord, look upon the sacrifice) inclusive, all the concelebrants speak all the following together: The Quaesumus igitur, Domine (Father, may this Holy Spirit) with hands extended toward the offerings; The Ipse enim, cum hora venisset (He always loved those) and the Simili modo (When supper was ended) with hands joined; The Unde et nos (Father, we now celebrate) and the Respice, Domine (Lord, look upon this sacrifice) with hands outstretched. The Churchs intention, however, is that the faithful not only offer this spotless Victim but also learn to offer themselves,[71] and so day by day to be consummated, through Christ the Mediator, into unity with God and with each other, so that at last God may be all in all.[72]. [97] In case of necessity, the priest may depute suitable faithful for this single occasion.[98]. The Liturgy of the Word is to be celebrated in such a way as to promote meditation, and so any sort of haste that hinders recollection must clearly be avoided. 149. The priest may give the sign of peace to the ministers but always remains within the sanctuary, so as not to disturb the celebration. [80] Cf. 36. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. Codex Iuris Canonici, can. 142. With the concelebrants and the people he continues, saying the Domine, non sum dignus (Lord, I am not worthy). If incense is used, the priest then puts some in the thurible, blesses it without saying anything, and incenses the offerings, the cross, and the altar. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. [142] The Roman Missal, Lectionary for Mass, editio typica altera, 1981, Introduction, no. Then, with hands extended, he says the prayer itself together with the other concelebrants, who also pray with hands extended and with the people. 181. 697-704; The Roman Pontifical, Rites of Ordination of a Bishop, of Priests, and of Deacons, editio typica altera, 1989, no. In all that pertains to Communion under both kinds, the Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion under Both Kinds in the Dioceses of the United States of America are to be followed (see nos. 1070. Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, Directory for Masses with Children, 1 November 1973: AAS 66 (1974), pp. 136. R/ Amen. Ex 12:1-8, 11-14. [61] Cf. Church decor should contribute toward the churchs noble simplicity rather than ostentation. 0000005071 00000 n Days or periods of prayer for the fruits of the earth, prayer for human rights and equality, prayer for world justice and peace, and penitential observances outside Lent are to be observed in the dioceses of the United States of America at times to be designated by the diocesan Bishop. startxref 97-98: AAS 56 (1964), p. 899. If the diocesan Bishop celebrates, then seven candles should be used. If there is no psalmist, the lector may also proclaim the responsorial Psalm after the first reading. He then venerates the book with a kiss, saying privately, Per evangelica dicta (May the words of the Gospel), and returns to the priests side. Care should be taken that singers, too, can receive Communion with ease. [119] Cf. The purpose of the many prefaces that enrich The Roman Missal is to bring out more fully the motives for thanksgiving within the Eucharistic Prayer and to set out more clearly the different facets of the mystery of salvation. [78] Cf. Care must be taken that whatever may remain of the Blood of Christ after the distribution of Communion is consumed immediately and completely at the altar.